Shalimar express train

Shalimar Express

Gateman’s Quick Action Saves Shalimar Express from Major Accident in Nawabshah


In a fortunate turn of events, a potentially catastrophic accident involving the Shalimar Express was averted near Nawabshah on Friday. A dumper truck loaded with gravel became stuck on the railway tracks near the Nawabshah railway station. The alertness and quick response of a gateman prevented what could have been a major disaster, saving the lives of hundreds of passengers aboard the Lahore-bound Shalimar Express train.

The place of incident

The incident occurred at a railway crossing near the Nawabshah railway station. As the Shalimar Express was traveling at 80 kilometers per hour, the truck unexpectedly got stuck on the tracks. The gateman, responsible for closing the gate at the crossing, noticed the danger just in time and sprang into action to prevent the accident.

The hero who saved the Shalimar Express Accident

The hero of the day was the vigilant gateman, whose quick thinking saved the day. Spotting the dumper truck lodged on the tracks, he immediately began waving a red flag to alert the oncoming train driver. Abdul Ghaffar, the train driver, saw the gateman’s frantic signals and immediately applied emergency brakes approximately 800 meters away from the truck. The train’s speed was significantly reduced, allowing the collision to have minimal impact. This swift action prevented a derailment and likely saved many lives.

Details of Accident

Despite the train slowing down, it still collided with the dumper truck and pushed it further along the tracks. However, due to the reduced speed, the impact was minor and did not cause the train to derail. The truck driver fled the scene following the collision, while passengers onboard were kept safe. The local municipal administration deployed heavy machinery to clear the tracks, as the railway authorities lacked the equipment needed for such a task.

Rescue and Relief Efforts

In the aftermath of the accident, Nawabshah Mayor Qazi Rashid Bhatti and Old Nawabshah town chairman Hayat Kakepoto rushed to the scene, bringing food and drinks for the passengers, who were temporarily stranded. Rescue teams and railway officials worked together to ensure that all passengers were safe and that train services were restored as soon as possible.

The gateman’s quick thinking and the train driver’s prompt response averted a tragedy, highlighting the importance of vigilance in railway safety. While the truck driver’s reckless actions caused the accident, the efforts of local authorities and railway staff ensured that no lives were lost. The incident serves as a reminder of the critical role railway workers play in safeguarding passengers on Pakistan’s busy railways.

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