ULLAS the education ,is recommended by ADB for Pakistan


ADB Recommends to adopt ULLAS in Pakistan

Suggestion for Adoption

The Asian Development Bank has suggested that Pakistan adopt India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s education scheme, Understanding of Lifelong Learning for All in Society. This recommendation comes in response to Pakistan’s request for financial support to improve its dysfunctional education system and address the high number of out-of-school children.

Indian student

What is ULLAS

ULLAS stands for Understanding of Lifelong Learning for All in Society. It is an Indian education scheme focusing on foundational literacy, numeracy, and essential 21st-century skills like financial, digital, and health literacy, aimed at comprehensive and equitable education.

Why ULLAS is Considered a Better System

1. Comprehensive Approach

Understanding of Lifelong Learning for All in Society is designed to provide a comprehensive approach to education, going beyond basic literacy and numeracy. It aims to equip individuals with critical life skills needed in the 21st century, including:

  • Financial Literacy: Essential for managing personal finances and making informed economic decisions.
  • Digital Literacy: Important for navigating the increasingly digital world and leveraging technology effectively.
  • Commercial Skills: Useful for entrepreneurial activities and understanding market dynamics.
  • Healthcare Awareness: Promotes knowledge about health and wellness, crucial for personal and community well-being.
  • Child Care and Family Welfare: Supports the development of skills necessary for nurturing and managing family responsibilities.

2. Multi-Stakeholder and Strategic Approach

Understanding of Lifelong Learning for All in Society emphasizes a strategic, multi-stakeholder approach, which involves collaboration between various levels of government and other stakeholders. This approach is beneficial because:

  • Inclusive Participation: Engages various actors in the education sector, ensuring that diverse perspectives and expertise are considered.
  • Tailored Solutions: Allows for the customization of educational strategies to address local needs and challenges effectively.
  • Shared Responsibility: Distributes the responsibility of improving education across different stakeholders, increasing the likelihood of successful implementation.

3. Lessons from International Best Practices

The Understanding of Lifelong Learning for All in Society scheme draws on international best practices, which can provide valuable insights for Pakistan. By adopting such a scheme, Pakistan can:

  • Leverage Proven Strategies: Benefit from strategies that have been successful in other contexts, potentially avoiding common pitfalls.
  • Adapt and Innovate: Use these practices as a foundation for developing innovative solutions tailored to Pakistan’s specific needs.
4. Focus on 21st-Century Skills

In Sindh, schools lack a proper logistics system for distributing books. Books arrive at education offices, where anyone can take them. Early arrivals secure books, while others must rely on outdated stock. This issue is widespread across all schools in Sindh, leading to inequitable access to educational materials.


The emphasis on critical life skills in ULLAS aligns with the needs of the modern job market and society. This focus helps ensure that education is not just about acquiring basic knowledge but also about preparing individuals for success in a rapidly evolving world.

In summary, the ADB’s suggestion to adopt the ULLAS scheme is based on its comprehensive approach, strategic implementation, and focus on essential life skills, which are seen as crucial for addressing the challenges faced by Pakistan’s education system and improving educational outcomes.

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