Bishkek Incident

Bishkek Incident

Bishkek Incident: Pakistani Students Affected


A recent tragic, Bishkek incident, in Kyrgyzstan, has left many Pakistani students and their families in distress. Reports indicate that several students were injured, prompting a swift response from both the Pakistani and Kyrgyz governments. Efforts are underway to ensure their safe return and well-being, as the situation gradually stabilizes.

How Did This Happen?

Bishkek incident occurred, where a mob-like situation erupted in various parts of the city. Delays in the Kyrgyz police response exacerbated the situation, leading to injuries among some Pakistani students. The exact cause of the unrest is still under investigation, but initial reports suggest it was a localized conflict that unexpectedly escalated.

Why did this mob-like situation occur

The recent violence against Pakistani students in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, can be traced back to a fight between local Kyrgyz individuals and international students a few days prior.

This initial clash escalated into a larger mob attack on the night of May 17, targeting hostels occupied by foreign students, including Pakistanis, Indians, Egyptians, and Bangladeshis. The situation resulted in several injuries and significant fear among the student community.

The attack lasted for several hours, during which the mob vandalized the hostels. Despite the presence of police, their lack of riot gear made it difficult to control the situation effectively. Videos circulated on social media showed the extent of the violence, including broken windows and doors.

The Pakistani and Indian embassies advised their students to stay indoors during the unrest. In response, the Kyrgyz government announced that the situation had been brought under control and allowed foreign students to attend classes online for a week.

The Pakistani government has arranged flights for students wishing to return home, although there are complaints from students about having to pay for their tickets despite assurances that the government would cover the costs.

This incident has highlighted the vulnerabilities of international students in Kyrgyzstan, particularly given the substantial number of South Asian students pursuing medical degrees there due to the combination of reasonably high standards and lower tuition fees compared to other countries.

Loss to Pakistani Students in Bishkek incident

bishkek incident students while coming back

The primary impact on Pakistani students has been physical and emotional distress. Several students sustained injuries during the chaos, and the uncertainty of the situation has caused significant anxiety among their families back home.

Additionally, the disruption has led to the expiration of visas for some students, complicating their return to Pakistan. The shift to online classes and exams, while a necessary response, adds to the academic strain on these students.

Government Response

Engineer Amir Muqam, Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan, has acknowledged the concerns of the students and their parents. He emphasized that the incident was portrayed inaccurately by some social media elements and reassured that efforts are being made to ensure the students’ safe return. The Kyrgyz government has apologized for the incident and committed to providing enhanced security for Pakistani nationals.

Hasan Ali Zaigham, Pakistan’s Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, stated that the situation is improving and highlighted that perpetrators will be brought to justice. He also mentioned that special arrangements, including the extension of expired visas and the facilitation of online classes, are being made to support the students.

Rana Ihsaan Afzal, Coordinator to the Prime Minister, confirmed that all Pakistanis in Kyrgyzstan are now out of danger and that comprehensive security measures are in place.

He announced that special flights would be operated to bring back the affected students and that a committee had been formed to investigate the incident. Deputy Prime Minister Ishaq Dar urged against politicizing the issue and assured that all necessary actions are being taken to support the Pakistani students and their families during this difficult time.

Bottom Line

By the grace of Allah, all the students are reportedly safe and no life loss has occurred.Pakistan’s government is taking necessary actions and assured of full support to the students affected.To date, 670 students brought back to Pakistan.

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